The course is being finalized for 2024, please pre-register your interest below

Certificate Course

Introduction to APIs

Embark on a scholarly exploration into Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This course delves into the fundamentals of seamless website integration, elucidating the intricacies of API architecture. Participants will garner comprehensive insights, mastering the art of connecting applications and bridging digital landscapes. This academic pursuit culminates in a nuanced understanding of API dynamics, enriching web functionality for a sophisticated and interconnected online experience.

50 Hours Course (non-accredited)

Introduction to APIs

Blockchain Lab at North-Chiang Mai University course exploring Application Programming Interfaces (API) and how to use API in website development

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Get To Know What Is API

Grasp the essence of APIs, demystifying their function and significance in digital landscapes.



Setting Up Existing PHP Development Environment

Configure your PHP development environment, optimizing it for seamless API integration.



Create API

Dive into hands-on creation of APIs, gaining practical skills in building robust and efficient application interfaces.



Connection to Website

Establish a dynamic connection between APIs and websites, ensuring seamless data flow and optimal functionality.