The course is being finalized for 2024, please pre-register your interest below

Certificate Course

Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JS

Explore the basics of web magic! Our HTML, CSS, and JavaScript course is your key to crafting awesome websites. Dive into structure, style, and interactivity. Unleash your creativity and build your web skills in just a few sessions!

50 Hours Course (non-accredited)

Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JS

Blockchain Lab at North-Chiang Mai University course exploring HTML, CSS, and JS development

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Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JS

Initiate your exploration of web development fundamentals with an academic focus on HTML, CSS, and JS in this introductory lesson



Start Coding HTML

Dive into coding wonders! Embark on a journey of HTML mastery, crafting web structures that form the backbone of online creativity.



Apply CSS Stylesheet

Style with flair! Elevate your web design skills by applying CSS stylesheets. Unleash your creativity and make your pages visually captivating.



Implementing JavaScript

Code with life! Implement JavaScript to infuse interactivity into your web projects. Master the art of dynamic, engaging websites that leave a lasting impression.



Hosting Your Website

Showcase your creation! Learn the art of hosting. Share your web masterpiece with the world, bringing your coding journey full circle. Launch your site and shine!